Friday, February 10, 2012

It's Carnival Time--Join Us!!

Happy Mardi Gras!

To order a Mardi Gras Wreath, please visit NOLA CRAFTS on Facebook.

It's hard to live in New Orleans without getting excited about Mardi Gras! Getting together with friends to attend parades, seeing all the beautiful floats and fun costumes, catching unique throws like a Zulu coconut or a Muses shoe, plus no cover charge for many nights 'out' full of fun, and wayyyy too much delicious king cake!

King Cake

Around here, it's an ongoing battle between the better kind of king cake... there's the donut kind (which is a large donut with glaze and sprinkled sugar on top) and there's the cinnamon roll kind (which is a large cinnamon roll with white icing and sugar or sprinkles). Typically, you are a huge advocate for one or the other.

I've already had the pleasure of sinking my teeth into my favorite traditional king cake of the season, Hi-Do Bakery's donut king cake with cream cheese. All fans of the donut king cake agree that you can't find a better king cake in the area than a Hi-Do fresh-baked king cake, no matter what filling you choose.

I haven't made it over to Maurice's yet for my favorite non-traditional king cake, also my absolute favorite guilty pleasure: The Ponchatoula King Cake.... a king cake stuffed with whipped cream, fresh strawberries and slivered almonds! It's truly divine!


For the 2012 Mardi Gras Parade Schedule, visit this link:

Our favorite parades to attend are Cleopatra and Alla on the Westbank, Endymion, Bacchus, and Orpheus in New Orleans, and Argus, Elks Jefferson, and Jefferson for Mardi Gras Day in Metairie.

This year, I'm missing Cleopatra & Alla for a girls weekend visiting my cousin Crystal in Lafayette (pictures to come later). But next weekend, for Endymion, it's ON! :)

As many of you know, Endymion is our favorite parade, so each year we head out there super early, block off a spot and party all through the day into the evening for the parade. Join us for a great time!!

The parade route for Endymion is back to it's original route, ending in the Superdome for the Endymion Extravaganza! As usual, we are heading out there early, at 10:00 am to claim our spot on Howard Avenue by Lee Circle (across from the gas station). If you are planning to join us, which we hope you will, please let me know so I can text you with our correct location once we arrive. We bring ladders, ice chests, bags for our throws, drinks and snacks (for ourselves), as well as a radio and supplies to block off the spot. Please feel free to bring whatever you desire. BYOB!!!

P.S. I know it should go without saying, but no fighting, no drama… if you have it, don’t bring it! We’re looking forward to a great time!!

RSVP: Let me know if you’re coming ASAP as well as what you’re bringing (ladders/ice chests/chairs) so we can block off our spot accordingly! Hope to see ya’ll there!!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Mom's Best Dishes...

My mom is an AMAZING cook! As mentioned when I first started this blog, my inspiration for capturing the events of daily life began with my first taste of home ownership, when I discovered that there were so many of my mom's recipes that I was unable to recreate. Speaking with my sister and brother, we all came up with some recipes of our mom's that we wanted to actually get out of her head and onto paper so we can keep them going in our family long after we're all no longer here. That might sound like a morbid thought, but as you grow up, life really changes your perspective. You realize that you really won't live forever and your time on earth is never long enough.

The world has already changed so much in my 27 years... our parents lived in a much simpler time... yet still, so did we. I was raised in the days of going outside to play. Our curfew was when the street lights came on. We watched Saturday morning cartoons. We had sleepovers where we played dress-up, dolls, tea parties, and we actually all piled under blankets in the living room floor. We recorded our favorite shows on VHS and watched them on our VCR. We waited all day long with our tape in the tapedeck of our massive boombox or stereo system for our favorite song to come on so we could make mixed tapes. We did chores for which we got some minimal amount of allowance, yet we thought we were rich! We participated in lots of outdoor activities and had family gatherings regularly (outside of just the holidays), including family reunions and annual family vacations! We sat down around the table for family dinner every night. We wrote notes in class and doodled on our notebooks. We had whatever kind of bookbag we wanted and wore to school whatever crazy outfit we could pull together 10 seconds before we ran out the door to catch the bus. We were dropped off at the skating rink, the bowling alley, and the mall for hours with friends until our parents came back to get us. We had bonfires that the whole neighborhood would attend. We had different "secret" crushes every week. We talked on our home phone to our friends on 3-way and it was the coolest thing ever! We went to summer camp, PARD baseball games and high school football games. We looked forward to the "9 o'clock props" every night on Q93! "The 9 o'clock props is on, tell me where you callin' from!" (Ya'll know ya'll sang it every time)

Since then, technology and the internet have taken over our world in a major way. Electronic gadgets and video games have taken the place of physical activity and exercise. Online communication has taken the place of interpersonnel communication. Everyone is virtually "connected" nonstop. People are busier than ever and one of the most difficult tasks is trying to spend quality time with one another. While I do often enjoy the modern conveniences of this technology-crazed world, I also miss the much simpler and quieter time where we could have dinner without someone's cell phone going off, movie time without someone text messaging, etc. and we actually knew how to communicate and spend time with each other.

For me, it's always a welcomed break from an often crazy and stressful day when something jolts a memory from my childhood. One of my best and most frequent memories that old friends tend to recall, much like my siblings and I, is my mom's great cooking. If you've ever been to our house growing up, you were always welcomed with a freshly cooked delicious dinner and enouraged to "eat up!" My mom rarely let you escape without eating something and she'd often send you home with leftovers! :) I know for sure that we never realized back then just how lucky we were while growing up in my home, but now I can't reminisce without thoughts of how blessed we were (and are) at the forefront of my mind.

This past Christmas, I struggled as always on what to get for the members of my family--the older we grow, the harder it gets. We're always racking our brains for what we could possibly want or need, coming up with very little and realizing ever moreso the real meaning of the season is not about material gifts. That being said, I came up with the perfect plan. The cost was minimal, but the impact was HUGE. And this year's gift will be cherished forever...

Click here to view this photo book larger

Shutterfly offers exclusive photobook layouts so you can make your book just the way you want.

Here's a pic of mom and dad when they opened the book. :) Jory & Scott are lucky I didn't catch their reactions on camera!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Give LOVE!

For my February donation, I sponsored a chemo patient for Valentine's.

Cancer is something that hits home for many of us, with growing numbers of people affected each year. I lost both of my grandfather's to cancer and Justin's mom, Linda, passed away in June 2009 from lung cancer that eventually spread to her brain and spine. There's not a day that goes by that we don't think of or miss them and we cherish all of our beautiful memories from thier all to short time with us here on earth.

As many of you know, my father was diagnosed with cancer on his tonsil and his lymphnode in February of 2010. There is nothing scarier than a cancer diagnosis. It was an emotional journey to recovery for both my father and our entire family. We were in the lucky percentage, however. My father was able to endure the physically exhausting process of radiation and chemotherapy and he is now two years later considered "cancer free".

"Cancer free"--Those are perhaps the most magical and priceless words one can ever hear. If you or a loved one have been touched by this terrible disease, you completely understand what I mean. Chances are, we all have someone close to us who has been affected, and there are so many people fighting for their lives through the rigorous treatments every day.

That's why, when I saw a friend post on Facebook looking for sponsors for chemo patient's for Valentine's Day, I chose to donate. I've seen firsthand how cancer affects not only the patient but the entire family and one of the most difficult, but vitally important things, is keeping spirits high.

Here's a thought for this Valentine's Day: Give LOVE, in a different way. Instead of flowers or candy or sweet nothings that let's be honest we don't really need.... join me in donating $10 (much less than you likely would've spent anyhow) to sponsor a chemo patient instead! It's quick and easy and so much more worth it! ♥

Donate here:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A New Year brings New Things!

Whew! It's been over a year since I created this thing and then neglected to keep it up! Time to get back with it!! Since I've left off, there's been a lot that's went on in my life.

My father beat cancer...

I graduated from Tulane University with my Bachelor of Arts in Media Arts & Marketing...

My sister moved to Colorado and I was actually able to drag my parents up there for a Thanksgiving visit (ON A PLANE!?!!)...

I dyed my hair red & yellow (not totally, but it was quite a drastic change that has grown on me!)...

And I took a break from normal life for a while and shook things up! Now that I'm back on track, time to catch up and get back to writing!

Since I first started this blog, my focus has changed just a little. I do plan to update with recipes that I've tried and succeeded with over the last year and ongoing, but for the current moment, I'm going to focus on some reflections and insights, and my Bucket List for 2012.

Be Healthy

I started off the new year with a plan for a healthier me (don't we all?), but rather than just say it, I decided I AM GOING TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN. I signed up for spin class and I've been going at least four times per week! I tried a Body Pump class recently which I think almost killed me but I might try it again! ;) I've also started riding my bike at least one day per weekend! This might not sound like a hardcore fitness routine, but its much more than the sitting on the couch I was doing before! Getting active is the first step. Eating healthier is the second. The energy you are lacking by NOT GETTING ACTIVE is just waiting for you to get off your butt! I downloaded an app on my cell phone called MyFitnessPal that allows me to track my calorie intake daily, as well as input my exercise routine to keep me on track to reach my goal weight. Since I mentioned goal weight: We all have a certain number or range that we consider to be ideal-- it's important to note here that you should be realistic and not set yourself up for failure. A number means nothing.... muscle weighs MORE than fat. That being said, I'm not so much concerned with a number on a scale. I'm athletic build. I'm never going to be stick thin, nor do I want to be. I appreciate my curves, but I do need some toning up!

SIDENOTE: Ladies: Numbers don't matter. Don't get so stuck to a certain number you want to see on the scale or a clothing size you have in your mind that you want to be. Get Naked. Stand in the mirror. Look at YOU and discover your own beauty! Stand there and point out the postives to yourself, and recognize what YOU want to change about your body. Then, get active and do it for YOU-- work for it!

That's MY plan.... to feel better about myself in the mirror, to feel comfortable in my own skin, all while knowing that the canvas I'm starting with is already beautiful. And..... so. are. you! <3

Be charitible

I am very blessed... I was raised by two amazing and loving parents that worked very hard to make sure I always had everything I've ever needed, most of the time wanted, and so much more. We all covet things beyond our financial means--material possessions that are honestly meaningless. But there are everyday blessings, like food on the table, clothes on our backs, and shelter, that many people go without. I know I can't save the world alone, but I have a huge heart and I can make an effort to sacrifice a little more, indulge a little less, and spread my wealth, love and blessings. It's a small step, but going forward, I will look for some cause to donate at least $10 per month to.. That's right $120 per year. It might be a small gesture but if others joined me in such a small sacrifice, think of what we could achieve.

Be Real

When I was about 16, I had life all planned out. I'd be engaged by 22, married by 24, and have kids by 28. My wedding would be a huge extravagent princess affair with everyone I know present to see me marry the man of my dreams. I'd have twins, a boy and a girl, and I'd live on a mansion on a hill (or something like that). Apparently somewhere in that dream, I'd also have won the lottery. Fast forward 10+ years....I'm 27. I'm not married and I don't have kids (of my own) [yet].... AND, that's completely okay. I am in a long term relationship and I've helped raise my step-daughter from a toddler into a young woman (tear). We bought our first house last year that we absolutely love (as mentioned in earlier posts). And, on the flip side of the teenage life I planned for myself, I'm also not divorced, nor did I spend a ton of money on the over the top wedding I would have planned filled with people who have no true presence in my life. That's the difference in your teens and twenties... for most of us. We grow up and our lives change. Our wants, needs, desires and priorities evolve. What my life is destined to become is still unfolding. I still don't know what I'm going to be when I grow up; I don't have a wedding date chosen; I don't know what I'll name the kids I'll one day have; and I don't know what path the future holds. One thing is for sure, whatever it is, it's going to be great!

Be Adventurous

So many times, I've thought and perhaps even spoke aloud, "One day, I want to do ______. (I want to go here, I want to try this, I want to do that.)" The problem with that is.... all talk, no action! Things don't just happen on thier own. You want to do something, you've gotta make plans and do it! This brings me to multiple things:

1. This Blog...

2. 2012 Bucket List

*Beast mode to Bikini Season with spin class & biking

*Get my run on (Sunday Rundays & Crescent City Classic)

*Go to the beach at least 3 times, plus at least one girls trip

*Plant a garden that will last (with bushes N things!)

*Have a crawfish boil

*Go to Disney World again (I really LOVE the happiest place on earth)

*Visit my sis in CO

*Help my sis plan her wedding ♥

*Roadtrip/Fly (?) to Ms. Kathy's in Cali

*Go at least 5 places in NOLA I've never been

I've already gotten started on some of these, but now it's posted here, I'm accountable, and I'm going to get going on this list! =]

It feels great to be back at it and working on so many wonderful things.... at the core of it all, working on ME!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Pizza Party & Something Sweet

So I've got to get better at taking photos because words are sweeter with pictures! I've recently began an internship with Weddings In Style Magazine and this past Saturday was my second event with them, the Louisiana Cares for Kids Gala at the Louisiana Children's Museum. Jacie and my friend Charel's step-daughter Alexis modeled flower girl dresses for us and handed out truffles from Bittersweet Confections at the red carpet entrance to the event. They were so beautiful and had such a great time. After the red carpet, we were able to stay and enjoy the event. There were catered food stations by New Orleans restaurants: Domenica's lasagna and Maximo's crawfish pasta, and also crawfish corn soup and strawberry crepes. The best part was getting to play on all the fun stuff, especially the grocery store and the bubbles!

After we left, we had promised the girls a pizza date so we went to Reginellis on Magazine Street. It's one of our favorites and Alexis had never tried it before so we had to go! We all loved it (us as usual and Alexis thought it was great). For the best New Orleans pizza, visit one of Reginelli's four NOLA locations. They have a great menu and we've loved everything we've ever tried there. The pizza is the perfect combination of a robust sauce, cheese, and crispy crust... and any toppings you might desire.

Sometimes you just can't fight the urge for something sweet so we couldn't end our dinner date with the girls without dessert! One of our favorite stops is Sucre on Magazine! They have a variety of gelato flavors and amazing gourmet chocolates, cakes and pastries. It was the perfect end to a perfect night!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Fiesta anytime

Mexican food is my absolute favorite! I could eat it all day every day. Anytime is the perfect time for chips and salsa! Throw in any other mexican delight--tacos, burritos, fajitas, quesadillas--and you make Karly a very happy girl! And to top it all off, none other than a margarita will do! :)

My love affair with mexican food started with Taco Bell years ago and since I've been old enough to drive, I've made it my personal goal to try as many mexican places as possible in search of the best!

That being said, here are some of my reviews in case you're interested...

Best burritos: Felipe's Taqueria (Uptown/Downtown NOLA)
Felipe's is a counter-service mexican joint where you place your order and choose your toppings as you go down the line. I don't know how they do it, but I've never had a better burrito in my entire life! They have a variety of traditional mexican menu items and you can add on chips, salsa, and a drink with a combo. The salsa is different than standard red salsa (it has more cilantro and it's like a more blended version of pico de gallo). The chips are always fresh, crisp and perfect and there is a salsa bar with a half-dozen different signature sauces. The nachos are top notch and the margaritas are strong! Perhaps the best part is that it's quick and cheap in addition to being delicious!

Best Fajitas: Superior Grill (Uptown NOLA)
We order Superior fajitas often for work functions, but it's also a great place to go for dinner and fun. The atmosphere is great, with indoor and outdoor seating, and they are known for their strong house margaritas! The menu is extensive with everything from burgers to seafood to mexican. The salsa is one of the best I've had and the chips and queso are also great. I don't eat meat, but the burgers are huge and people rave about them. We always share the shrimp, chicken, and steak fajitas because I'm a toppings kind of girl and they bring out all the fixins'! This one is, however, on the more pricey end of mexican fare.

Best Tacos:

Taqueria Corona (Uptown NOLA, Metairie, Harahan)
Taqueria Corona is known as the King of Tacos and claims to have the best taco in town. They live up to these words offering tacos with just about every filling you can think of! They have a variety of different dips and salsas for starters and also feature delicious mexican pizzas. It's a traditional taqueria with a genuine Spanish feel, rather than the Americanized joints we are accustomed to. The food is fresh, inexpensive, and delicious!

Rum House (Uptown NOLA)
Rum House is not your typical mexican joint. It's an eclectic mix of Carribean, Latin American, and Cajun fare. The menu offers a gourmet selection of three-bite tacos with fillings such as jerk chicken, brisket, chili-glazed shrimp, cuban pork, grilled fish and more. They also feature sandwiches and entrees of steak and fish. Their avocado-mango guacamole and their unique roasted veggie salsa are both amazing. They also have nightly specials such as $2 tacos and a great drink menu with great margaritas!

Best Margaritas: El Gato Negro (French Market NOLA)
El Gato Negro offers fresh squeezed citrus margaritas, and a variety of other flavors. They use no mixes here and they are only served on the rocks. Their house margarita is the most delicious margarita I have ever had... EVER! This is a bold statement from me, as I consider myself quite the margarita connoisseur. The menu offers some great chips and salsa and delicious gourmet mexican cuisine. Everything I've ever eaten there has been outstanding, but nothing compares to their world class 'ritas.

Other Favorites:

Carretta's (Veterans Blvd, Metairie)
Carretta's is a great mexican restaurant with a large menu and huge margaritas! The salsa is great; the food is delicious; the service is friendly and fast; there are many dessert options; and the strong margaritas are served in fishbowl sized glasses!

Los Tres Amigos (Harvey, LA)
The chips and salsa are delicious and the food is great. It's fast and cheap and close to home since we're on the westbank! However, the margaritas suck! Not much of a nod I know, but seriously, they are green like a green apple martini and remind me of a lime slush puppy--one of the worst I've ever had. The food is good enough for me to still go there and just forgo having a drink though!

Nacho Mama's (Uptown NOLA and Elmwood)
Great house frozen margaritas with Monday half-price ($10) pitchers and 2 for 1 drink specials daily 4-6pm. Also home to my favorite appetizer: MAMACHITAS! These are chopped up jalapeno and habanero peppers with cheese and tomatoes fried in a flour tortilla served with sour cream! Hot and spicy just the way I like it! If you can't handle the heat, these are not for you my friend. The menu is a twist on traditional mexican cuisine with unexpected ingredients and flavor combinations that are both surprising and delicious!

Izzo's Illegal Burrito (Metairie)
Similar concept to Felipe's with the burrito bar feel. They feature a variety of mexican options, offering standard to airplane sized burritos. You add your fillings down the line and they also offer their own signature sauces. In comes in behind Felipe's, but still quick, cheap, and good.

I'm not huge on places with mixed specialties. I mean, I find the boiled crawfish at the chinese buffet pretty sketchy and normally crabmeat pasta isn't the best menu item at the pizza place. So normally, I try to stick to the niche of the place. However, sometimes places are successful at melding together a variety of themes and it somehow all just works. That is the case with one of my favorite "mexican" restaurants:

Coyote Blues (Lafayette)
Worth traveling to from NOLA, Coyote Blues features steak, seafood, and mexican... and is surprisingly equally successful at them all. They have an extensive menu that makes it very hard to decide because everything sounds so delicious--and it is! The chips and variety of salsas are a great start and you will surely be pleased with whatever else you choose. They also have a great drink menu featuring great margaritas and other frozen concoctions. Best news yet--I heard they are planning a New Orleans location in the coming months! I can't wait!!

I'm excited to go out for mexican anytime, but I also like to try my hand at mexican at home. I ended up with leftover sauce from my shrimp creole so I decided to turn it into shrimp enchilladas. I simply put some olive oil and butter in a baking dish, filled two flour tortillas with the shrimp and sauce, added shredded mexican blend cheese, closed them up and added sauce and sliced velveta on top. Then, I baked it for about 20 mins until crispy. I also cooked spanish rice, made some cheese dip with rotel and velveta, grabbed some chips and salsa, and we were all set. All that was missing was... the margaritas! Next time, my friends... next time!

Shrimp Creole warms the soul

After two days of working with my sunburn, I had a migraine I couldn't shake and I started feeling really bad. Aloe and advil were not helping. I finally went to the doctor and found out I had second degree burns on my face. I'd had an allergic reaction to the face sunscreen I used causing it to not be effective at blocking the sun. Since I was at home recovering, taking meds and watching the food network, I decided to cook. I looked around at what food I had to work with and landed on the perfect ingredients for shrimp creole.

I used a variation between Paula Deen's recipe and one I found on

Shrimp Creole

1/4 cup butter
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 1/2 cups chopped onion
1 lg. bell pepper, chopped
2 cloves garlic, pressed or 1 tablespoon minced garlic
1 teaspoons chili powder
1 can chopped tomatoes
1 cup water
2 teaspoons white sugar
2 bay leaves, crushed
2 teaspoons parsley or Italian Seasoning
Fresh herbs/cilantro (optional)
1 teaspoons salt and pepper (to taste)
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 (15 oz.) can tomato sauce
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon hot sauce (optional)
1 1/2 pounds cleaned, peeled & deveined raw shrimp
3-4 cups hot, cooked rice

Heat olive oil and butter in stock pot. Add, peppers, garlic, and onions. Cook until softened. Add chili powder and saute until caramelized. Add canned tomatoes and simmer. Add water, sugar, herbs, seasoning. Add sauces (tomato sauce, Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce). Stir in shrimp. Cover and cook over medium heat 15-20 minutes until shrimp are pink and tender. Serve over rice.

This was my first attempt at shrimp creole, but it was a pretty simple process and it tasted amazing! My family eats alot of spicy food, so I'm a little heavy handed on the pepper... it had quite a kick! I will hold back on spicing it up next time, but I'll definitely make this again. I called mom & dad over for dinner and we were all pleasantly surprised!